How to Contribute

How to upload examples for cheatsheets


Fast and simple contribution guide

Method A

  1. Look up the example you wish to write in the searchable table below
  2. Either copy the path and edit locally or go directly to Github and edit the file
  3. Write the example with Markdown syntax specified below
  4. Submit your contribution to Github
  5. Make a pull request - Bingo!

Method B

  1. Click the example link on a cheatsheet of of which no examples are currently written
  2. Follow step 3-5 above

Filename Mappings

Click the link and goto the corresponding file on Github or copy the pathname and edit that file on a local repository.

Command/Key Folder Cheatsheet Mapped
-e File_Test_Operators bash
-a File_Test_Operators bash
-f File_Test_Operators bash
-s File_Test_Operators bash
-d File_Test_Operators bash
-b File_Test_Operators bash
-c File_Test_Operators bash
-p File_Test_Operators bash
-h File_Test_Operators bash
-L File_Test_Operators bash
-S File_Test_Operators bash
-t File_Test_Operators bash
-r File_Test_Operators bash
-w File_Test_Operators bash
-x File_Test_Operators bash
-g File_Test_Operators bash
-u File_Test_Operators bash
-k File_Test_Operators bash
-O File_Test_Operators bash
-G File_Test_Operators bash
-N File_Test_Operators bash
f1 -nt f2 File_Test_Operators bash
f1 -ot f2 File_Test_Operators bash
f1 -ef f2 File_Test_Operators bash
! File_Test_Operators bash
= String_Comparison bash
== String_Comparison bash
!= String_Comparison bash
< String_Comparison bash
> String_Comparison bash
-z String_Comparison bash
-n String_Comparison bash
-eq Integer_Comparison bash
-ne Integer_Comparison bash
-gt Integer_Comparison bash
-ge Integer_Comparison bash
-lt Integer_Comparison bash
-le Integer_Comparison bash
< Integer_Comparison bash
<= Integer_Comparison bash
> Integer_Comparison bash
>= Integer_Comparison bash
-a Compound_Operators bash
-o Compound_Operators bash
&& List_Constructs bash
|| List_Constructs bash
%N Job_Identifiers bash
%S Job_Identifiers bash
%?S Job_Identifiers bash
%% Job_Identifiers bash
%+ Job_Identifiers bash
%- Job_Identifiers bash
%! Job_Identifiers bash
SIGHUP Signals bash
SIGINT Signals bash
SIGQUIT Signals bash
SIGILL Signals bash
SIGTRAP Signals bash
SIGIOT Signals bash
SIGEMT Signals bash
SIGFPE Signals bash
SIGKILL Signals bash
SIGBUS Signals bash
SIGSEGV Signals bash
SIGSYS Signals bash
SIGPIPE Signals bash
SIGALRM Signals bash
SIGTERM Signals bash
1 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
2 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
126 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
127 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
128 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
128+n Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
130 Reserved_Exit_Codes bash
Ctrl+C Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl+Y Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl+Z Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl + s Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl + q Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl + l Sending_Control_Signals bash
Ctrl + a Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + e Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + k Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + u Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + w Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + y Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + xx Command_Editing bash
Alt + b Command_Editing bash
Alt + f Command_Editing bash
Alt + d Command_Editing bash
Alt + c Command_Editing bash
Alt + u Command_Editing bash
Alt + l Command_Editing bash
Alt + t Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + f Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + b Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + d Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + h Command_Editing bash
Ctrl + t Command_Editing bash
- File_Types bash
d File_Types bash
l File_Types bash
c File_Types bash
s File_Types bash
p File_Types bash
b File_Types bash
/etc/profile Special_Files bash
~.bash_profile</kbd><br><kbd>~/.bash_login</kbd><br><kbd>~.profile Special_Files bash
~/.bashrc Special_Files bash
s Permissions bash
s Permissions bash
t Permissions bash
0</kbd><br><kbd>- Permissions bash
4</kbd><br><kbd>r Permissions bash
2</kbd><br><kbd>w Permissions bash
1</kbd><br><kbd>x Permissions bash
u Permissions bash
g Permissions bash
o Permissions bash
${#var} String_Manipulation bash
${var%pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var%%pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var:position} String_Manipulation bash
${var:num1:num2} String_Manipulation bash
${var#pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var##pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var/pattern/string} String_Manipulation bash
${var//pattern/string} String_Manipulation bash
${!prefix*} String_Manipulation bash
${var,}</kbd><br><kbd>${var,pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var,}</kbd><br><kbd>${var,pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var^}</kbd><br><kbd>${var^pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${var^^}</kbd><br><kbd>${var^^pattern} String_Manipulation bash
${string/substring/replacement} String_Manipulation bash
${string//substring/replacement} String_Manipulation bash
${string/#substring/replacement} String_Manipulation bash
${string/%substring/replacement} String_Manipulation bash
expr match "$string" '$substring' String_Manipulation bash
expr "$string" : '$substring' String_Manipulation bash
expr index "$string" $substring String_Manipulation bash
expr substr $string $position $length String_Manipulation bash
expr match "$string" '\($substring\)' String_Manipulation bash
expr "$string" : '\($substring\)' String_Manipulation bash
expr match "$string" '.*\($substring\)' String_Manipulation bash
expr "$string" : '.*\($substring\)' String_Manipulation bash
; Quoting bash
& Quoting bash
() Quoting bash
| Quoting bash
< > & Quoting bash
* ? [ ] ~ + - @ ! Quoting bash
" ' \ Quoting bash
$ Quoting bash
# Quoting bash
space tab newline Quoting bash
$0 Command_Parameters bash
$1 … $9 Command_Parameters bash
${10} ... ${nn} Command_Parameters bash
$* Command_Parameters bash
$- Command_Parameters bash
$_ Command_Parameters bash
$$ Command_Parameters bash
$? Command_Parameters bash
$@ Command_Parameters bash
$# Command_Parameters bash
$! Command_Parameters bash
! History_Expansion bash
!! History_Expansion bash
!n History_Expansion bash
!-n History_Expansion bash
!string History_Expansion bash
!string:p History_Expansion bash
!$ History_Expansion bash
!$:p History_Expansion bash
!* History_Expansion bash
!*:p History_Expansion bash
!?string? History_Expansion bash
^string1^string2^ History_Expansion bash
!# History_Expansion bash
${parameter:-word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter-word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter:=word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter=word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter:?word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter?word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter:+word} Variable_Operations bash
${parameter+word} Variable_Operations bash
* Bash_Globbing bash
? Bash_Globbing bash
+ Bash_Globbing bash
! Bash_Globbing bash
[:lower:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:upper:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:alpha:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:digit:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:alnum:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:xdigit:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:space:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:punct:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:print:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:blank:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:graph:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
[:cntrl:] Character_Classes_in_BRE bash
if Flow_Control bash
else Flow_Control bash
elif Flow_Control bash
for Flow_Control bash
while Flow_Control bash
until Flow_Control bash
select Flow_Control bash
case Flow_Control bash
# Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
$ Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
( ) Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
$( ) Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
(( )) Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
$(( )) Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
$[] Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
[ ] Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
[[ ]] Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
<( ) Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
{ } Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
${ } Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
| Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
< Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
> Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
|| Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
&& Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
- Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
-- Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
& Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
&lt;&lt;WORD</kbd><br><kbd>&lt;&lt;-WORD</kbd><br><kbd>&lt;&lt;'WORD'</kbd><br><kbd>&lt;&lt;-'WORD' Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
<<< Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
>> Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
' ' Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
" " Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
\ Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
/ Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
: Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
; Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
, Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
. Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
.. Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
~ Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
` ` Overview_of_Bash_Symbols bash
: Bash_Builtins bash
. Bash_Builtins bash
[ Bash_Builtins bash
alias Bash_Builtins bash
bg Bash_Builtins bash
bind Bash_Builtins bash
break Bash_Builtins bash
builtin Bash_Builtins bash
caller Bash_Builtins bash
case Bash_Builtins bash
cd Bash_Builtins bash
command Bash_Builtins bash
compgen Bash_Builtins bash
complete Bash_Builtins bash
comopt Bash_Builtins bash
continue Bash_Builtins bash
declare Bash_Builtins bash
dirs Bash_Builtins bash
disown Bash_Builtins bash
echo Bash_Builtins bash
enable Bash_Builtins bash
eval Bash_Builtins bash
exec Bash_Builtins bash
exit Bash_Builtins bash
export Bash_Builtins bash
fc Bash_Builtins bash
fg Bash_Builtins bash
getopts Bash_Builtins bash
hash Bash_Builtins bash
help Bash_Builtins bash
history Bash_Builtins bash
if Bash_Builtins bash
jobs Bash_Builtins bash
kill Bash_Builtins bash
let Bash_Builtins bash
local Bash_Builtins bash
logout Bash_Builtins bash
mapfile Bash_Builtins bash
popd Bash_Builtins bash
printf Bash_Builtins bash
pushd Bash_Builtins bash
pwd Bash_Builtins bash
read Bash_Builtins bash
readonly Bash_Builtins bash
return Bash_Builtins bash
set Bash_Builtins bash
shift Bash_Builtins bash
shopt Bash_Builtins bash
source Bash_Builtins bash
suspend Bash_Builtins bash
test Bash_Builtins bash
times Bash_Builtins bash
trap Bash_Builtins bash
type Bash_Builtins bash
typeset Bash_Builtins bash
ulimit Bash_Builtins bash
umask Bash_Builtins bash
unalias Bash_Builtins bash
unset Bash_Builtins bash
until Bash_Builtins bash
wait Bash_Builtins bash
while Bash_Builtins bash
Extra small Breaking_Points bootstrap4
Small Breaking_Points bootstrap4
Medium Breaking_Points bootstrap4
Large Breaking_Points bootstrap4
Extra large Breaking_Points bootstrap4
text-primary Colors bootstrap4
text-secondary Colors bootstrap4
text-success Colors bootstrap4
text-danger Colors bootstrap4
text-warning Colors bootstrap4
text-info Colors bootstrap4
text-light Colors bootstrap4
text-dark Colors bootstrap4
text-white Colors bootstrap4
bg-primary Colors bootstrap4
bg-secondary Colors bootstrap4
bg-success Colors bootstrap4
bg-danger Colors bootstrap4
bg-warning Colors bootstrap4
bg-info Colors bootstrap4
bg-light Colors bootstrap4
bg-dark Colors bootstrap4
bg-white Colors bootstrap4
btn Buttons bootstrap4
btn-* Buttons bootstrap4
btn-outline-* Buttons bootstrap4
btn-lg Buttons bootstrap4
btn-sm Buttons bootstrap4
text-left Typography bootstrap4
text-center Typography bootstrap4
text-right Typography bootstrap4
text-justify Typography bootstrap4
text-nowrap Typography bootstrap4
text-lowercause Typography bootstrap4
text-uppercase Typography bootstrap4
text-capitalize Typography bootstrap4
lead Typography bootstrap4
blockquote Typography bootstrap4
h1 ... h6 Typography bootstrap4
display-# Typography bootstrap4
list-unstyled Lists bootstrap4
dl-horizontal Lists bootstrap4
list-inline Lists bootstrap4
list-inline-item Lists bootstrap4
img-fluid Images bootstrap4
rounded Images bootstrap4
rounded-circle Images bootstrap4
img-thumbnail Images bootstrap4
float-left Floats bootstrap4
float-right Floats bootstrap4
float-none Floats bootstrap4
float-*-* Floats bootstrap4
git branch Branch git
git branch -a Branch git
git checkout -b branch_name Branch git
git checkout branch_name Branch git
git push origin branch_name Branch git
git branch -m new_name Branch git
git branch -d branch_name Branch git
git push origin :branch_name Branch git
git log --oneline Logs git
git log -2 Logs git
git log -p -2 Logs git
git diff Logs git
git diff myfile Logs git
git blame myfile Logs git
git remote show origin Logs git
git clean -f Cleanup git
git clean -df Cleanup git
git checkout -- . Cleanup git
git reset HEAD myfile Cleanup git
git pull --tags Tags git
git checkout tag_name Tags git
git tag Tags git
git tag -a tag_name -m "tag message" Tags git
git push --tags Tags git
git stash save "stash name" && git stash Stashes git
git stash list Stashes git
git stash pop Stashes git
cat Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
tac Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
nl Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
od Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
base32 Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
base64 Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
basenc Output_of_Entire_Files gnu_coreutils
fmt Formatting_File_Contents gnu_coreutils
pr Formatting_File_Contents gnu_coreutils
fold Formatting_File_Contents gnu_coreutils
head Output_of_Parts_of_Files gnu_coreutils
tail Output_of_Parts_of_Files gnu_coreutils
split Output_of_Parts_of_Files gnu_coreutils
csplit Output_of_Parts_of_Files gnu_coreutils
wc Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
sum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
cksum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
b2sum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
md5sum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
sha1sum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum Summarizing_Files gnu_coreutils
sort Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
shuf Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
uniq Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
comm Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
ptx Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
tsort Operating_on_Sorted_Files gnu_coreutils
cut Operating_on_Fields gnu_coreutils
paste Operating_on_Fields gnu_coreutils
join Operating_on_Fields gnu_coreutils
tr Operating_on_Characters gnu_coreutils
expand Operating_on_Characters gnu_coreutils
unexpand Operating_on_Characters gnu_coreutils
ls Directory_Listing gnu_coreutils
dir Directory_Listing gnu_coreutils
vdir Directory_Listing gnu_coreutils
dircolors Directory_Listing gnu_coreutils
cp Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
dd Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
install Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
mv Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
rm Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
shred Basic_File_Operations gnu_coreutils
link Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
ln Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
mkdir Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
mkfifo Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
mknod Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
readlink Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
rmdir Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
unlink Special_Filetypes gnu_coreutils
chown Changing_File_Attributes gnu_coreutils
chgrp Changing_File_Attributes gnu_coreutils
chmod Changing_File_Attributes gnu_coreutils
touch Changing_File_Attributes gnu_coreutils
df Disk_Usage gnu_coreutils
du Disk_Usage gnu_coreutils
stat Disk_Usage gnu_coreutils
sync Disk_Usage gnu_coreutils
truncate Disk_Usage gnu_coreutils
echo Printing_text gnu_coreutils
printf Printing_text gnu_coreutils
yes Printing_text gnu_coreutils
false Conditions gnu_coreutils
true Conditions gnu_coreutils
test Conditions gnu_coreutils
expr Conditions gnu_coreutils
tee Redirection gnu_coreutils
basename Filename_Manipulation gnu_coreutils
dirname Filename_Manipulation gnu_coreutils
pathchk Filename_Manipulation gnu_coreutils
mktemp Filename_Manipulation gnu_coreutils
realpath Filename_Manipulation gnu_coreutils
pwd Working_Context gnu_coreutils
stty Working_Context gnu_coreutils
printenv Working_Context gnu_coreutils
tty Working_Context gnu_coreutils
id User_Information gnu_coreutils
logname User_Information gnu_coreutils
whoami User_Information gnu_coreutils
groups User_Information gnu_coreutils
users User_Information gnu_coreutils
who User_Information gnu_coreutils
date System_Context gnu_coreutils
arch System_Context gnu_coreutils
nproc System_Context gnu_coreutils
uname System_Context gnu_coreutils
hostname System_Context gnu_coreutils
hostid System_Context gnu_coreutils
uptime System_Context gnu_coreutils
chcon SELinux_Context gnu_coreutils
runcon SELinux_Context gnu_coreutils
chroot Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
env Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
nice Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
nohup Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
stdbuf Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
timeout Modified_Command_Invocation gnu_coreutils
kill Process_Control gnu_coreutils
sleep Delaying gnu_coreutils
factor Numeric_Operations gnu_coreutils
numfmt Numeric_Operations gnu_coreutils
seq Numeric_Operations gnu_coreutils
&lt;!DOCTYPE&gt; Basic html
&lt;html&gt; Basic html
&lt;head&gt; Basic html
&lt;title&gt; Basic html
&lt;body&gt; Basic html
&lt;p&gt; Basic html
&lt;h1&gt; ... &lt;h6&gt; Basic html
&lt;br&gt; Basic html
&lt;hr&gt; Basic html
&lt;!--your text--&gt; Basic html
&lt;abbr&gt; Formatting html
&lt;address&gt; Formatting html
&lt;b&gt; Formatting html
&lt;bdi&gt; Formatting html
&lt;bdp&gt; Formatting html
&lt;blockquote&gt; Formatting html
&lt;cite&gt; Formatting html
&lt;code&gt; Formatting html
&lt;del&gt; Formatting html
&lt;dfn&gt; Formatting html
&lt;em&gt; Formatting html
&lt;i&gt; Formatting html
&lt;ins&gt; Formatting html
&lt;kbd&gt; Formatting html
&lt;mark&gt; Formatting html
&lt;meter&gt; Formatting html
&lt;pre&gt; Formatting html
&lt;progress&gt; Formatting html
&lt;q&gt; Formatting html
&lt;rp&gt; Formatting html
&lt;rt&gt; Formatting html
&lt;ruby&gt; Formatting html
&lt;s&gt; Formatting html
&lt;samp&gt; Formatting html
&lt;small&gt; Formatting html
&lt;strong&gt; Formatting html
&lt;sub&gt; Formatting html
&lt;sup&gt; Formatting html
&lt;template&gt; Formatting html
&lt;time&gt; Formatting html
&lt;u&gt; Formatting html
&lt;var&gt; Formatting html
&lt;wbr&gt; Formatting html
&lt;form&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;input&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;textarea&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;button&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;select&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;optgroup&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;option&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;label&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;fieldset&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;legend&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;datalist&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;output&gt; Forms_and_Input html
&lt;iframe&gt; Frames html
&lt;img&gt; Images html
&lt;map&gt; Images html
&lt;area&gt; Images html
&lt;canvas&gt; Images html
&lt;figcaption&gt; Images html
&lt;figure&gt; Images html
&lt;picture&gt; Images html
&lt;svg&gt; Images html
&lt;audio&gt; Audio-sol-Video html
&lt;source&gt; Audio-sol-Video html
&lt;video&gt; Audio-sol-Video html
&lt;track&gt; Audio-sol-Video html
&lt;a&gt; Links html
&lt;link&gt; Links html
&lt;nav&gt; Links html
&lt;ul&gt; List html
&lt;ol&gt; List html
&lt;li&gt; List html
&lt;dl&gt; List html
&lt;dt&gt; List html
&lt;dd&gt; List html
&lt;table&gt; Tables html
&lt;caption&gt; Tables html
&lt;th&gt; Tables html
&lt;tr&gt; Tables html
&lt;td&gt; Tables html
&lt;thead&gt; Tables html
&lt;tbody&gt; Tables html
&lt;tfoot&gt; Tables html
&lt;col&gt; Tables html
&lt;colgroup&gt; Tables html
&lt;style&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;div&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;span&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;header&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;footer&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;main&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;section&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;article&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;aside&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;details&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;dialog&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;summary&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;data&gt; Styles_and_Semantics html
&lt;head&gt; Meta_Info html
&lt;meta&gt; Meta_Info html
&lt;base&gt; Meta_Info html
&lt;script&gt; Programming html
&lt;noscript&gt; Programming html
&lt;embed&gt; Programming html
&lt;object&gt; Programming html
&lt;param&gt; Programming html
100 1xx http_status
101 1xx http_status
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204 2xx http_status
205 2xx http_status
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208 2xx http_status
226 2xx http_status
300 3xx http_status
301 3xx http_status
302 3xx http_status
303 3xx http_status
304 3xx http_status
305 3xx http_status
306 3xx http_status
307 3xx http_status
308 3xx http_status
400 4xx http_status
401 4xx http_status
402 4xx http_status
403 4xx http_status
404 4xx http_status
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408 4xx http_status
409 4xx http_status
410 4xx http_status
411 4xx http_status
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413 4xx http_status
414 4xx http_status
415 4xx http_status
416 4xx http_status
417 4xx http_status
418 4xx http_status
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501 5xx http_status
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504 5xx http_status
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510 5xx http_status
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CIDR Glossary ip
DHCP Glossary ip
ICMP Glossary ip
Packet Glossary ip
Address Exhaustion Glossary ip
IGMP Glossary ip
IPsec Glossary ip
OSI Glossary ip
Internet Layer Glossary ip
A Classful_Ranges_IPv4 ip
B Classful_Ranges_IPv4 ip
C Classful_Ranges_IPv4 ip
D Classful_Ranges_IPv4 ip
E Classful_Ranges_IPv4 ip
Localhost Reserved_Ranges_IPv4 ip
RFC 1918 Reserved_Ranges_IPv4 ip
RFC 1918 Reserved_Ranges_IPv4 ip
RFC 1918 Reserved_Ranges_IPv4 ip
/31 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/30 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/29 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/28 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/27 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/26 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/25 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/24 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/23 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/22 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/21 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/20 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/19 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/18 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/17 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/16 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/15 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/14 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/13 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/12 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/11 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/10 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/9 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/8 IPv4_Subnetting ip
/128 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/127 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/126 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/125 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/124 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/123 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/122 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/121 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/120 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/119 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/118 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/117 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/116 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/115 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/114 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/113 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/112 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/111 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/110 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/109 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/108 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/107 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/106 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/105 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/104 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/103 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/102 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/101 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/100 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/99 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/98 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/97 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/96 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/95 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/94 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/93 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/92 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/91 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/90 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/89 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/88 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/87 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/86 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/85 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/84 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/83 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/82 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/81 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/80 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/79 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/78 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/77 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/76 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/75 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/74 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/73 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/72 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/71 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/70 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/69 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/68 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/67 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/66 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/65 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/64 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/63 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/62 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/61 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/60 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/59 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/58 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/57 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/56 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/55 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/54 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/53 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/52 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/51 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/50 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/49 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/48 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/47 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/46 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/45 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/44 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/43 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/42 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/41 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/40 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/39 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/38 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/37 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/36 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/35 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/34 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/33 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/32 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/31 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/30 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/29 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/28 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/27 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/26 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/25 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/24 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/23 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/22 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/21 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/20 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/19 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/18 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/17 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/16 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/15 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/14 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/13 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/12 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/11 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/10 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/9 IPv6_Subnetting ip
/8 IPv6_Subnetting ip
[name|="value"] Selectors jquery
[name*="value"] Selectors jquery
[name~="value"] Selectors jquery
[name$="value"] Selectors jquery
[name="value"] Selectors jquery
[name!="value"] Selectors jquery
[name^="value"] Selectors jquery
[name] Selectors jquery
[name="value"][name2="value2"] Selectors jquery
:button Selectors jquery
:checkbox Selectors jquery
:checked Selectors jquery
:disabled Selectors jquery
:enabled Selectors jquery
:focus Selectors jquery
:file Selectors jquery
:image Selectors jquery
:input Selectors jquery
:password Selectors jquery
:radio Selectors jquery
:reset Selectors jquery
:selected Selectors jquery
:submit Selectors jquery
:text Selectors jquery
* Selectors jquery
.class Selectors jquery
element Selectors jquery
#id Selectors jquery
selector1, selectorN, ... Selectors jquery
:hidden Selectors jquery
:visible Selectors jquery
:animated Selectors jquery
:eq() Selectors jquery
:even Selectors jquery
:first Selectors jquery
:gt() Selectors jquery
:header Selectors jquery
:last Selectors jquery
:lt() Selectors jquery
:not() Selectors jquery
:odd Selectors jquery
:first-child Selectors jquery
:last-child Selectors jquery
:nth-child() Selectors jquery
:only-child Selectors jquery
:contains() Selectors jquery
:empty Selectors jquery
:has() Selectors jquery
:parent Selectors jquery
parent > child Selectors jquery
ancestor descendant Selectors jquery
prev + next Selectors jquery
prev ~ siblings Selectors jquery
.hide() Effects jquery
.show() Effects jquery
.toggle() Effects jquery
.animate() Effects jquery
.clearQueue() Effects jquery
.delay() Effects jquery
.dequeue() Effects jquery
jQuery.dequeue() Effects jquery
jQuery.fx.interval Effects jquery Effects jquery
.queue() Effects jquery
jQuery.queue() Effects jquery
.stop() Effects jquery
.fadeIn() Effects jquery
.fadeOut() Effects jquery
.fadeTo() Effects jquery
.fadeToggle() Effects jquery
.slideDown() Effects jquery
.slideToggle() Effects jquery
.slideUp() Effects jquery
.attr() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.prop() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.removeAttr() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.removeProp() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.val() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.addClass() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.css() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
jQuery.cssHooks Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.hasClass() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.removeClass() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.toggleClass() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.height() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.innerHeight() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.outerHeight() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.width() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.innerWidth() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.outerWidth() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.offset() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.offsetParent() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.position() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.scrollLeft() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.scrollTop() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.data() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
jQuery.hasData() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
jQuery.removeData() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
.removeData() Attributes_-lpar-CSS-rpar- jquery
jQuery.browser Utilities jquery
jQuery.contains() Utilities jquery
each Utilities jquery
jQuery.each() Utilities jquery
jQuery.extend() Utilities jquery
jQuery.globalEval() Utilities jquery
jQuery.grep() Utilities jquery
jQuery.inArray() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isArray() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isEmptyObject() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isFunction() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isNumeric() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isPlainObject() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isWindow() Utilities jquery
jQuery.isXMLDoc() Utilities jquery
jQuery.makeArray() Utilities jquery Utilities jquery
jQuery.merge() Utilities jquery
jQuery.noop() Utilities jquery Utilities jquery
jQuery.parseJSON() Utilities jquery
jQuery.parseXML() Utilities jquery
jQuery.proxy() Utilities jquery Utilities jquery
jQuery.trim() Utilities jquery
jQuery.type() Utilities jquery
jQuery.unique() Utilities jquery
.clone() Manipulation jquery
.wrap() Manipulation jquery
.wrapAll() Manipulation jquery
.wrapInner() Manipulation jquery
.append() Manipulation jquery
.appendTo() Manipulation jquery
.html() Manipulation jquery
.prepend() Manipulation jquery
.prependTo() Manipulation jquery
.text() Manipulation jquery
.after() Manipulation jquery
.before() Manipulation jquery
.insertAfter() Manipulation jquery
.insertBefore() Manipulation jquery
.detach() Manipulation jquery
.empty() Manipulation jquery
.remove() Manipulation jquery
.unwrap() Manipulation jquery
.replaceAll() Manipulation jquery
.replaceWith() Manipulation jquery
.ajaxComplete() Ajax jquery
.ajaxError() Ajax jquery
.ajaxSend() Ajax jquery
.ajaxStart() Ajax jquery
.ajaxStop() Ajax jquery
.ajaxSuccess() Ajax jquery
jQuery.param() Ajax jquery
.serialize() Ajax jquery
.serializeArray() Ajax jquery
jQuery.ajax() Ajax jquery
jQuery.ajaxSetup() Ajax jquery
jQuery.get() Ajax jquery
jQuery.getJSON() Ajax jquery
jQuery.getScript() Ajax jquery
.load() Ajax jquery Ajax jquery
.eq() Traversing jquery
.filter() Traversing jquery
.first() Traversing jquery
.has() Traversing jquery
.is() Traversing jquery
.last() Traversing jquery
.map() Traversing jquery
.not() Traversing jquery
.slice() Traversing jquery
.add() Traversing jquery
.andSelf() Traversing jquery
.contents() Traversing jquery
.end() Traversing jquery
.children() Traversing jquery
.closest() Traversing jquery
.find() Traversing jquery
.next() Traversing jquery
.nextAll() Traversing jquery
.nextUntil() Traversing jquery
.parent() Traversing jquery
.parents() Traversing jquery
.parentsUntil() Traversing jquery
.prev() Traversing jquery
.prevAll() Traversing jquery
.prevUntil() Traversing jquery
.siblings() Traversing jquery
jQuery() Core jquery
jQuery.noConflict() Core jquery
jQuery.sub() Core jquery
jQuery.when() Core jquery
.get() Core jquery
.index() Core jquery
.size() Core jquery
toArray() Core jquery
.jquery Core jquery
.context Core jquery
jQuery.error Core jquery
.length Core jquery
.pushStack() Core jquery
.selector Core jquery
deferred.always() Core jquery
deferred.done() Core jquery Core jquery
deferred.isRejected() Core jquery
deferred.isResolved() Core jquery
deferred.notify() Core jquery
deferred.notifyWith() Core jquery
deferred.pipe() Core jquery
deferred.progress() Core jquery
deferred.promise() Core jquery
deferred.reject() Core jquery
deferred.rejectWith() Core jquery
deferred.resolve() Core jquery
deferred.resolveWith() Core jquery
deferred.state() Core jquery
deferred.then() Core jquery
.promise() Core jquery
jQuery.Callbacks() Core jquery
callbacks.add() Core jquery
callbacks.disable() Core jquery
callbacks.empty() Core jquery Core jquery
callbacks.fired() Core jquery
callbacks.fireWith() Core jquery
callbacks.has() Core jquery
callbacks.lock() Core jquery
callbacks.locked() Core jquery
callbacks.remove() Core jquery
event.currentTarget Events jquery Events jquery
event.isDefaultPrevented() Events jquery
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() Events jquery
event.isPropagationStopped() Events jquery
event.namespace Events jquery
event.pageX Events jquery
event.pageY Events jquery
event.preventDefault() Events jquery
event.relatedTarget Events jquery
event.result Events jquery
event.stopImmediatePropagation() Events jquery
event.stopPropagation() Events jquery Events jquery
event.timeStamp Events jquery
event.type Events jquery
event.which Events jquery
.click() Events jquery
.dblclick() Events jquery
.focusin() Events jquery
.focusout() Events jquery
.hover() Events jquery
.mousedown() Events jquery
.mouseenter() Events jquery
.mouseleave() Events jquery
.mousemove() Events jquery
.mouseout() Events jquery
.mouseover() Events jquery
.mouseup() Events jquery
.toggle() Events jquery
.error() Events jquery
.resize() Events jquery
.scroll() Events jquery
.holdReady() Events jquery
.load() Events jquery
.ready() Events jquery
.unload() Events jquery
.bind() Events jquery
.delegate() Events jquery
.die() Events jquery
.live() Events jquery
.off() Events jquery
.on() Events jquery
.one() Events jquery
.trigger() Events jquery
.triggerHandler() Events jquery
.unbind() Events jquery
.undelegate() Events jquery
.blur() Events jquery
.change() Events jquery
.focus() Events jquery
.select() Events jquery
.submit() Events jquery
.keydown() Events jquery
.keypress() Events jquery
.keyup() Events jquery
# Heading Heading md
## Sub heading Heading md
### Sub-sub heading Heading md
#### Fourth level heading Heading md
##### Fifth level heading Heading md
####### Sixth and last level Heading md
Woah, that's kewl</kbd><br><kbd>================= Heading md
Pretty cool sub-heading!</kbd><br><kbd>------------------------ Heading md
*text* Emphasis md
_text_ Emphasis md
**text** Emphasis md
__text__ Emphasis md
`code text` Emphasis md
* List item Lists md
- List item Lists md
- [ ] Checkbox (not checked) Lists md
- [x] Checkbox item (checked) Lists md
&lt;number&gt;. Numbered list item Lists md
![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) Images md
![Image alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "title") Images md
![Image alt text][img] Images md
[img]: Images md
[link]( Links md
[link][google]</kbd><br><kbd>[google]:&nbsp; Links md
&lt;; Links md
---- Horizontal_Line md
**** Horizontal_Line md
>[>>>] Blockquote md
Ctrl+S File_Handling nano
Ctrl+O File_Handling nano
Ctrl+R File_Handling nano
Ctrl+X File_Handling nano
Ctrl+K Editing nano
Alt+6 Editing nano
Ctrl+U Editing nano
Alt+T Editing nano
Ctrl+] Editing nano
Alt+3 Editing nano
Alt+U Editing nano
Alt+E Editing nano
Ctrl+B Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+F Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+← Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+→ Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+A Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+E Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+P Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+N Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+↑ Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+↓ Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+Y Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+V Moving_Around nano
Alt+\ Moving_Around nano
Alt+/ Moving_Around nano
Ctrl+Q Search_-amp-_Replace nano
Ctrl+W Search_-amp-_Replace nano
Alt+Q Search_-amp-_Replace nano
Alt+W Search_-amp-_Replace nano
Alt+R Search_-amp-_Replace nano
Alt+G Special_Movement nano
Alt+] Special_Movement nano
Alt+↑ Special_Movement nano
Alt+↓ Special_Movement nano
Alt+< Special_Movement nano
Alt+> Special_Movement nano
Ctrl+H Deletion nano
Ctrl+D Deletion nano
Alt+Bsp Deletion nano
Ctrl+Del Deletion nano
Alt+Del Deletion nano
Ctrl+C Information nano
Alt+D Information nano
Ctrl+G Information nano
Ctrl+T Operations nano
Ctrl+J Operations nano
Alt+J Operations nano
Alt+B Operations nano
Alt+F Operations nano
Alt+: Operations nano
Alt+; Operations nano
Alt+A Various nano
Tab Various nano
Shift+Tab Various nano
Alt+N Various nano
Alt+P Various nano
Alt+V Various nano
Ctrl+L Various nano
Ctrl+Z Various nano
phishing Phishing opsec
Catphishing/catfishing Phishing opsec
Email phishing Phishing opsec
Sphearphishing Phishing opsec
Angler phishing Phishing opsec
vishing Phishing opsec
smishing Phishing opsec
whaling Phishing opsec
Sextortion Digital_Extortion opsec
Ransomware Digital_Extortion opsec
Password manager Password_Protection opsec
Cracking Password_Protection opsec
Data breach Password_Protection opsec
Bruteforcing Password_Protection opsec
Phreak Social_Engineering opsec
2FA Social_Engineering opsec
SMS 2-minus-Factor_Authentication opsec
Mobile Apps 2-minus-Factor_Authentication opsec
Hardware Keys 2-minus-Factor_Authentication opsec
Phone Attack_Vectors opsec
IOT Attack_Vectors opsec
Computer Attack_Vectors opsec
BYOD Attack_Vectors opsec
I2P Darknets opsec
Freenet Darknets opsec
Tor Darknets opsec
Fingerprints SSH opsec
X11 forwarding SSH opsec
Logfiles VPN opsec
Veracrypt Disk_Storage opsec
Password Manager Disk_Storage opsec
Full Disk Encryption Disk_Storage opsec
5-eyes International_Agreements opsec
9-eyes International_Agreements opsec
14-eyes International_Agreements opsec
Cloaking IRC opsec
Tails Operating_Systems opsec
Qubes OS Operating_Systems opsec
Whonix Operating_Systems opsec
Hardening Operating_Systems opsec
Burner Email Email opsec
Email spoofing Email opsec
Cryptocurrency Tracking opsec
SS7 Hijacking Tracking opsec
Hot Wallet Tracking opsec
Cold Wallet Tracking opsec
Fingerprinting Tracking opsec
Cookies Tracking opsec
Zombie Cookie Tracking opsec
Maltego Tools osint
SpiderFoot Tools osint
twint Tools osint
Photon Tools osint
HaveIbeenPwned Tools osint
Pipl Tools osint
Google Hacking Databse Tools osint
Dorking Terms osint
The Wayback Machine Archived_Information osint
Archive Today Archived_Information osint
Google and Bing Archived_Information osint
"Search Term" Search_Operators osint
TermA OR TermB Search_Operators osint Search_Operators osint
filetype:pdf Search_Operators osint
intitle: Search_Operators osint
inurl: Search_Operators osint
intext: Search_Operators osint
inanchor: Search_Operators osint
cache: Search_Operators osint
yum list updates Yum pkg_manager_common
pacman -Syu pkg Pacman pkg_manager_common
apt-get install pkg Apt pkg_manager_common
aptitude install pkg Aptitude pkg_manager_common
rpm -i pkg RPM pkg_manager_common
dnf install pkg DNF pkg_manager_common
zypper install pkg Zypper pkg_manager_common
npm install pkg NPM pkg_manager_common
pip install pkg pip pkg_manager_common
capitalize() String_Methods python
center(width[, fillchar]) String_Methods python
count(sub[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
decode String_Methods python
encode([encoding[, errors]]) String_Methods python
endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
expandtabs([tabsize]) String_Methods python
find(sub[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
format(*args, **kwargs) String_Methods python
index(sub[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
isalnum() String_Methods python
isalpha() String_Methods python
isdigit() String_Methods python
islower() String_Methods python
isspace() String_Methods python
istitle() String_Methods python
isupper() String_Methods python
join(iterable) String_Methods python
ljust(width[, fillchar]) String_Methods python
lower() String_Methods python
lstrip([chars]) String_Methods python
partition(sep) String_Methods python
replace(old, new[, count]) String_Methods python
rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
rjust(width[, fillchar]) String_Methods python
rpartition(sep) String_Methods python
rsplit([sep[, maxsplit]]) String_Methods python
rstrip([chars]) String_Methods python
split([sep[, maxsplit]]) String_Methods python
splitlines([keepends]) String_Methods python
startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) String_Methods python
strip([chars]) String_Methods python
swapcase String_Methods python
title() String_Methods python
translate(table[, deletechars]) String_Methods python
upper() String_Methods python
zfill(width) String_Methods python
isnumeric() String_Methods python
isdecimal() String_Methods python
seed([x]) Random python
getstate() Random python
setstate(state) Random python
jumpahead(n) Random python
getrandbits(k) Random python
randrange([start], stop[, step]) Random python
randint(a,b) Random python
choice(seq) Random python
shuffle(x[,random]) Random python
sample(population,k) Random python
random() Random python
uniform(a,b) Random python
triangular(low,high,mode) Random python
betavariate(alpha,beta) Random python
expovariate(lambd) Random python
gammavariate(alpha,beta) Random python
gauss(mu,sigma) Random python
lognormvariate(mu,sigma) Random python
normalvariate(mu,sigma) Random python
vonmisesvariate(mu,kappa) Random python
paretovariate(alpha) Random python
weibullvariate(alpha,beta) Random python
ceil(x) Numbers python
copysign(x,y) Numbers python
fabs(x) Numbers python
factorial(x) Numbers python
floor(x) Numbers python
fmod(x,y) Numbers python
frexp(x) Numbers python
fsum(iterable) Numbers python
isinf(x) Numbers python
isnan(x) Numbers python
ldexp(x,i) Numbers python
modf() Numbers python
trunc() Numbers python
exp(x) Powers_and_Logarithms python
log(x[,base]) Powers_and_Logarithms python
log1p(x) Powers_and_Logarithms python
log10(x) Powers_and_Logarithms python
pow(x,y) Powers_and_Logarithms python
sqrt(x) Powers_and_Logarithms python
acos(x) Trigonometry python
asin(x) Trigonometry python
atan(x) Trigonometry python
atan2(y,x) Trigonometry python
cos(x) Trigonometry python
hypot(x,y) Trigonometry python
sin(x) Trigonometry python
tan(x) Trigonometry python
degrees(x) Trigonometry python
radians(x) Trigonometry python
acosh(x) Trigonometry python
asinh(x) Trigonometry python
atanh(x) Trigonometry python
cosh(x) Trigonometry python
sinh(x) Trigonometry python
tanh(x) Trigonometry python
close() File_Methods python
flush() File_Methods python
fileno() File_Methods python
isatty() File_Methods python
next() File_Methods python
read([size]) File_Methods python
readline([size]) File_Methods python
readlines([sizehint]) File_Methods python
xreadlines() File_Methods python
seek(offset[, whence]) File_Methods python
tell() File_Methods python
truncate([size]) File_Methods python
write(str) File_Methods python
writelines(sequence) File_Methods python
closed File_Attributes python
encoding File_Attributes python
errors File_Attributes python
mode File_Attributes python
name File_Attributes python
newlines File_Attributes python
softspace File_Attributes python
append(x) List_Methods python
buffer_info() List_Methods python
byteswap() List_Methods python
count(x) List_Methods python
extend(iterable) List_Methods python
fromfile(f,n) List_Methods python
fromlist(list) List_Methods python
fromstring(s) List_Methods python
fromunicode(s) List_Methods python
index(x) List_Methods python
insert(i,x) List_Methods python
pop([i]) List_Methods python
remove(x) List_Methods python
reverse() List_Methods python
tofile(f) List_Methods python
tolist() List_Methods python
tostring() List_Methods python
tounicode() List_Methods python
isdisjoint(other) Sets python
issubset(others) Sets python
issuperset Sets python
union(other...) Sets python
intersection(other, ...) Sets python
difference(other...) Sets python
symmetric_difference(other) Sets python
copy() Sets python
update() Sets python
intersection_update() Sets python
difference_update() Sets python
symmetric_difference_update() Sets python
add(elem) Sets python
remove() Sets python
discard(elem) Sets python
pop() Sets python
clear() Sets python
clear() Dictionary_Methods python
copy() Dictionary_Methods python
fromkeys(seq[, value]) Dictionary_Methods python
get(key[, default]) Dictionary_Methods python
has_key(key) Dictionary_Methods python
items() Dictionary_Methods python
iteritems() Dictionary_Methods python
iterkeys() Dictionary_Methods python
itervalues() Dictionary_Methods python
keys() Dictionary_Methods python
pop(key[, default]) Dictionary_Methods python
popitem() Dictionary_Methods python
setdefault(key[, default]) Dictionary_Methods python
update([other]) Dictionary_Methods python
values Dictionary_Methods python
^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+ Regex_Examples regex
^ Anchors regex
\A Anchors regex
$ Anchors regex
\Z Anchors regex
\b Anchors regex
\B Anchors regex
\< Anchors regex
\> Anchors regex
\c Character_Classes regex
\s Character_Classes regex
\S Character_Classes regex
\d Character_Classes regex
\D Character_Classes regex
\w Character_Classes regex
\W Character_Classes regex
\x Character_Classes regex
\O Character_Classes regex
[:upper:] POSIX regex
[:lower:] POSIX regex
[:alpha:] POSIX regex
[:alnum:] POSIX regex
[:digit:] POSIX regex
[:xdigit:] POSIX regex
[:punct:] POSIX regex
[:blank:] POSIX regex
[:space:] POSIX regex
[:cntrl:] POSIX regex
[:graph:] POSIX regex
[:print:] POSIX regex
[:word:] POSIX regex
?= Assertions regex
?! Assertions regex
?<= Assertions regex
?!= Assertions regex
?<! Assertions regex
?> Assertions regex
?() Assertions regex
?()| Assertions regex
?# Assertions regex
* Quanti­fiers regex
+ Quanti­fiers regex
? Quanti­fiers regex
{3} Quanti­fiers regex
{3,} Quanti­fiers regex
{,3} Quanti­fiers regex
{3,5} Quanti­fiers regex
\ Escape_Sequences regex
\Q Escape_Sequences regex
\E Escape_Sequences regex
\n Special_Characters regex
\r Special_Characters regex
\t Special_Characters regex
\v Special_Characters regex
\f Special_Characters regex
\xxx Special_Characters regex
\xhh Special_Characters regex
. Groups_and_Ranges regex
(a|b) Groups_and_Ranges regex
(...) Groups_and_Ranges regex
(?:...) Groups_and_Ranges regex
[abc] Groups_and_Ranges regex
[^abc] Groups_and_Ranges regex
[a-q] Groups_and_Ranges regex
[A-Q] Groups_and_Ranges regex
[0-7] Groups_and_Ranges regex
\x Groups_and_Ranges regex
g Pattern_Modifiers regex
i Pattern_Modifiers regex
m Pattern_Modifiers regex
s Pattern_Modifiers regex
x Pattern_Modifiers regex
e Pattern_Modifiers regex
U Pattern_Modifiers regex
$n String_Replacement regex
$2 String_Replacement regex
$1 String_Replacement regex
$` String_Replacement regex
$' String_Replacement regex
$+ String_Replacement regex
$& String_Replacement regex
:h[elp] keyword Global vim
:sav[eas] file Global vim
:clo[se] Global vim
:ter[minal] Global vim
K Global vim
h Cursor_Movement vim
j Cursor_Movement vim
k Cursor_Movement vim
l Cursor_Movement vim
H Cursor_Movement vim
M Cursor_Movement vim
L Cursor_Movement vim
w Cursor_Movement vim
W Cursor_Movement vim
e Cursor_Movement vim
E Cursor_Movement vim
b Cursor_Movement vim
B Cursor_Movement vim
% Cursor_Movement vim
0 Cursor_Movement vim
^ Cursor_Movement vim
$ Cursor_Movement vim
g_ Cursor_Movement vim
gg Cursor_Movement vim
G Cursor_Movement vim
5gg</kbd> or <kbd>5G Cursor_Movement vim
fx Cursor_Movement vim
tx Cursor_Movement vim
Fx Cursor_Movement vim
Tx Cursor_Movement vim
; Cursor_Movement vim
, Cursor_Movement vim
} Cursor_Movement vim
{ Cursor_Movement vim
zz Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + e Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + y Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + b Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + f Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + d Cursor_Movement vim
Ctrl + u Cursor_Movement vim
i Insert_mode vim
I Insert_mode vim
a Insert_mode vim
A Insert_mode vim
o Insert_mode vim
O Insert_mode vim
ea Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + h Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + w Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + j Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + t Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + d Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + n Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + p Insert_mode vim
Ctrl + rx Insert_mode vim
Esc Insert_mode vim
r Editing vim
J Editing vim
gJ Editing vim
gwip Editing vim
g~ Editing vim
gu Editing vim
gU Editing vim
cc Editing vim
C Editing vim
c$ Editing vim
ciw Editing vim
cw Editing vim
s Editing vim
S Editing vim
xp Editing vim
u Editing vim
U Editing vim
Ctrl + r Editing vim
. Editing vim
v Visual_Mode vim
V Visual_Mode vim
o Visual_Mode vim
Ctrl + v Visual_Mode vim
O Visual_Mode vim
aw Visual_Mode vim
ab Visual_Mode vim
aB Visual_Mode vim
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ib Visual_Mode vim
iB Visual_Mode vim
it Visual_Mode vim
Esc Visual_Mode vim
> Visual_Commands vim
< Visual_Commands vim
y Visual_Commands vim
d Visual_Commands vim
~ Visual_Commands vim
u Visual_Commands vim
U Visual_Commands vim
:reg[isters] Registers vim
"xy Registers vim
"xp Registers vim
"+y Registers vim
"+p Registers vim
0 Special_Registers vim
" Special_Registers vim
% Special_Registers vim
# Special_Registers vim
* Special_Registers vim
+ Special_Registers vim
/ Special_Registers vim
: Special_Registers vim
. Special_Registers vim
- Special_Registers vim
= Special_Registers vim
_ Special_Registers vim
:marks Marks_and_Positions vim
ma Marks_and_Positions vim
`a Marks_and_Positions vim
y`a Marks_and_Positions vim
`0 Marks_and_Positions vim
`" Marks_and_Positions vim
`. Marks_and_Positions vim
`` Marks_and_Positions vim
:ju[mps] Marks_and_Positions vim
Ctrl + i Marks_and_Positions vim
Ctrl + o Marks_and_Positions vim
:changes Marks_and_Positions vim
g, Marks_and_Positions vim
g; Marks_and_Positions vim
Ctrl + ] Marks_and_Positions vim
qa Macros vim
q Macros vim
@a Macros vim
@@ Macros vim
yy Cut_and_paste vim
2yy Cut_and_paste vim
yw Cut_and_paste vim
y$ Cut_and_paste vim
p Cut_and_paste vim
P Cut_and_paste vim
dd Cut_and_paste vim
2dd Cut_and_paste vim
dw Cut_and_paste vim
D Cut_and_paste vim
d$ Cut_and_paste vim
x Cut_and_paste vim
>> Indent_text vim
<< Indent_text vim
>% Indent_text vim
>ib Indent_text vim
>at Indent_text vim
3== Indent_text vim
=% Indent_text vim
=iB Indent_text vim
gg=G Indent_text vim
]p Indent_text vim
:w Exiting vim
:w !sudo tee % Exiting vim
:wq</kbd> or <kbd>:x</kbd> or <kbd>ZZ Exiting vim
:q Exiting vim
:q!</kbd> or <kbd>ZQ Exiting vim
:wqa Exiting vim
/pattern Search_and_Replace vim
?pattern Search_and_Replace vim
\vpattern Search_and_Replace vim
n Search_and_Replace vim
N Search_and_Replace vim
:%s/old/new/g Search_and_Replace vim
:%s/old/new/gc Search_and_Replace vim
:noh[lsearch] Search_and_Replace vim
:vim[grep] /pattern/ {`{file}`} Search_in_Multiple_Files vim
:cn[ext] Search_in_Multiple_Files vim
:cp[revious] Search_in_Multiple_Files vim
:cope[n] Search_in_Multiple_Files vim
:ccl[ose] Search_in_Multiple_Files vim
:tabnew</kbd> or <kbd>:tabnew&nbsp;{page.words.file} Tabs vim
Ctrl + wT Tabs vim
gt</kbd> or <kbd>:tabn[ext] Tabs vim
gT</kbd> or <kbd>:tabp[revious] Tabs vim
#gt Tabs vim
:tabm[ove] # Tabs vim
:tabc[lose] Tabs vim
:tabo[nly] Tabs vim
:tabdo Tabs vim
:e[dit] file Working_with_multiple_files vim
:bn[ext] Working_with_multiple_files vim
:bp[revious] Working_with_multiple_files vim
:bd[elete] Working_with_multiple_files vim
:b[uffer]# Working_with_multiple_files vim
:b[uffer] file Working_with_multiple_files vim
:ls or :buffers Working_with_multiple_files vim
:sp[lit] file Working_with_multiple_files vim
:vs[plit] file Working_with_multiple_files vim
:vert[ical] ba[ll] Working_with_multiple_files vim
:tab ba[ll] Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + ws Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wv Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + ww Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wq Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wx Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + w= Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wh Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wl Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wj Working_with_multiple_files vim
Ctrl + wk Working_with_multiple_files vim
zf Diff vim
zd Diff vim
za Diff vim
zo Diff vim
zc Diff vim
zr Diff vim
zm Diff vim
zi Diff vim
]c Diff vim
[c Diff vim
do or :diffg[et] Diff vim
dp or :diffpu[t] Diff vim
:diffthis Diff vim
:dif[fupdate] Diff vim
:diffo[ff] Diff vim

Example Md Syntax

We use standard Md syntax with the Fenced Code Blocks extension. The extension allows specifying language of code blocks and is dead simple, just see the example below.

# Python Class Initialization
## Code Example
def __init__():

## Description
The method above is known as a dunder, known as a "double underscore". Specifically this is the 'init' dunder which initializes class objects.

Which shall produce the autogenerated result below - all you have to take care of however is the Markdown. This will be autogenerated.

<h1>Python Class Initialization</h1>
<h2>Code Example</h2>
<pre><code class="language-python">
def __init__():

<p>The method above is known as a dunder, known as a "double underscore". Specifically this is the 'init' dunder which initializes class objects.</p>